REVIEW(updated): Little, Metal, Different
Continue reading “Gakken 1/35 Ride Armors”Gakken 1/35 Alpha/Legioss Toys
REVIEW: The best Legioss toy…. ever?
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Review: Eta, Zeta, Iota, and Dark!
Continue reading “Evolution Toy Legioss Toys”MaxFactory 35Max 1/35 Votoms Toys
Mega Review: This eventually will be an exhaustive look at all 35Max lines
Continue reading “MaxFactory 35Max 1/35 Votoms Toys”
CM’s 1/35 Votoms Blue Knight & Sunrise Mechanical Action Toys
Mega Review: This eventually will be an exhaustive look at all CMs Votoms toys Continue reading “CM’s 1/35 Votoms Blue Knight & Sunrise Mechanical Action Toys”